Need of the hour: Solidarity!
What possibly started from Wuhan ‘travelled freely’ and reached almost all parts of world, thanks to our incautiousness and obliviousness. Countries and people that were thought to be most ‘vulnerable’ faced fewer losses and those thought to be ‘safe’ and ‘secure’ are the most affected once today? COVID-19 virus has marked its ‘omnipresence’ throughout the world, causing an ‘invincible’ threat to life. In the midst of life changes due the pandemic crisis, the world has witnessed the ‘interconnect’ we all share as humans and the ‘chain’ that everyone is attached to irrespective of where-who-what-when-how!
Unforeseen, but the ‘tragic’ reality, the past few ‘stretching’ months has been a life-changing experience and probably the toughest times of our lives for most of us. Our ‘helplessness’ is expressed in our ‘forced’ inactions and ‘compulsion’ to stay-at-home and maintain social distancing. Distressing, but that’s the need of the hour. All the same, it has given the ‘world community’ a chance to realize the significance of natural coexistence, global public health and sustainable ways of life.
With lessons learned, today we dealing with the crisis with a clarion call for global "solidarity" in fight against the pandemic. But, we got to learn more if we all want to beat the COVID-19 virus and find a ‘lasting’ solution. We got to fight the virus together, united and with full collaboration in all actions.
“Like an orchestra, we need all instruments to be played in harmony to create music that everyone enjoys. One or two instruments playing by themselves just won’t suffice when the world is waiting and listening intently. We will work to bring the band together, to promote science, solutions and solidarity because we believe to our core that we do it best, when we do it together.” That how WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tries to describes fight against COVID-19 pandemic today.
In pursuit, as the world awaits ‘the vaccine’ to end the pandemic and scientists work round the clock to develop a vaccine for the masses, growing concern like ‘vaccine nationalism’ disturbs worldwide endeavors, hard work and positivity among people, especially selfless ‘frontline warriors’. Any effort to ‘disconnect’ the ‘movement’ of global action will ‘delay’ and ‘hamper’ battle against COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned against concerns like ‘vaccine nationalism’ and has underlined the importance of global solidarity in addressing the crisis.
“It would be sad if the rich are given priority for the Covid-19 vaccine. It would be sad if the vaccine becomes property of this or that nation, if it is not universal and for everyone…The pandemic is a crisis and one never exits from a crisis returning to the way it was before,” Pope Francis said at his weekly general audience.
The global call for action has no scope for disunity, unilateral work and ‘nationalistic thoughts’ if we want to end the pandemic to finish. Better said, “None of us is safe until all of us are safe,” UN chief Antonio Guterres on coronavirus.