Game of Third World War!
World War III can be a virtual reality in the minds of aspiring world leaders and people who believe in ‘nationalism’ as a safeguard and security against future uncertainty, changing landscape and global outlook. Though COVID 19 pandemic taught nations across the world the importance of ‘solidarity’, growing apprehensions of economic recession, risk of stagflation, inequitable worldwide market and trade draws the boundaries across the nations to stand guard and protect the future.
Juxtapose, World War III can be thought of as a hypothetical worldwide war game like ‘cold war’ to showcase a nation’s ‘super power’ and military might to destabilise the balance of power, economic viability and world peace in order to continue to establish the hegemonistic rule over emerging nation and economies.
The present ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict and the US-China cold war are nothing short of telling the present geopolitical story. Nations and people think that the Ukraine-Russia conflict could just be the opening shots of World War III.
Since the end of World War II, the possibility of a third world war has been discussed the most in 2022, no matter its probability continues to be a distant reality.
Even if at all World
War III is seen as an ‘inevitable’ reality, it’s a lasting threat for
humanity and doomed for nations.